Porcupine Family


Family members: Mother, father, daughter, son
Colour: pale with black nose; fur spikes
Variations: dark brown porcupines; porcupines with dark or light spikes
Prototypes: porcupines with extra long, light spikes are pictured on many packages
Alternative name: Hedgehog Family (France, Germany)
German name: Igel (Papa, Mama, Igor, Ida)

The Porcupine Family consists of the basic parents and children set. They are of a pale colour with black noses. They also have soft fur as their "spikes". There are two kinds of porcupines: with dark brown and light brown fur spikes. A rare dark brown variation has been found as well, released in Denmark. The dark brown variant porcupine had dark brown spikes and a lighter colour on the face and belly. The dark brown variant consists of a couple - mom with a spotted scarf and dad with a green hat and scarf. This family is pretty hard to find.
